
I had an idea of what I wanted but I couldn’t find it anywhere

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So I made it myself

I wanted a way to carry my keys, phone, wallet and other essentials without shouldering a purse or stuffing my coat pockets. After exploring tactical gear and various travel pouches I saw that nothing on the market quite fit my needs; A bag that will move seamlessly with my body, that is high end and fashionable, while rugged and durable.
I borrowed my Mom’s sewing machine and cut up some old leather coats to see what I could do.

Wherever I wore by bag, people constantly stopped me and wanted to know where they could get one.

I scaled up and taught myself to sew on an industrial machine with quality, gorgeous, leather. I designed hundreds of patterns and dozens of prototypes to get it exactly right.

Here’s the perfect bag you never knew you needed.

About the ibex animal


Ibex, pronounced EYEbecks, is a species of mountain dwelling goats distinguished by large recurved horns. Adapted to rugged habitats and extreme climates, ibex are known for their striking silhouette and athletic climbing ability.